How to Write a Trip Itinerary (with template included)
By Kieran Dunch
Writing a trip itinerary is a critical component of any trip preparation, and not something people should neglect doing. A trip itinerary is designed to provide both your friend and the authorities adequate information about where you are, and how to find you in case something goes wrong. When embarking on a trail, someone else who is not with you should know where you are. An accurate trip itinerary can save your life if you are put in a bad situation. In this article I will unpack and explain each element that goes into a good trip itinerary, including who to leave it with.
I believe in a safe amount of over preparation when it comes to backcountry hiking and backpacking. The more you plan ahead, the more you can let go later and enjoy the hike for what it is! In the event of a problem or an accident, you can trust in the authority of your preparedness to get you out safely.
I will break the key components of a good backcountry trip itinerary below. It’s a good idea to write this up and email to a trusted friend, but also make sure to bring a copy with you to put in your car or transport at the trailhead. Some concierges will take your itinerary if you are taking a shuttle from a hostel or hotel, too.
Components of a good Trip Itinerary
Trip Participants
Daily Schedule
Trail Map
Emergency Route/Procedure
Emergency contact info
Follow down below for simple sets of questions to answer, and a copy of the Trip Itinerary I use for my trips.
Where are you going? (park or directions)
Where does your trail begin?
Where does your route end?
What date are you leaving?
What date do you expect to return?
Trip Participants:
Who is coming with you?
How old are they?
What identifiable features do they have?
What is their contact info?
What make and model is your vehicle?
What colour is it? Any identifiable features?
What is the license plate number?
Daily Schedule:
This is a detailed schedule of what you plan to do each day. Include the time you plan to leave your home to the time you plan to return to your vehicle.
What do you plan to do each day?
How long is the distance you plan to hike for each day?
How much time are you spending on the trail each day?
Where are you setting up camp each night?
Emergency Route/Procedure
What are you going to do in case of an emergency?
What emergency resources are you bringing with you?
Do you have a GPS?
Where is your planned escape route?
Note to set a ‘check-in’ time when you will contact the contact after the trip to let them know you’re safe, and don’t forget to actually do it!
Emergency Contact Information
What is the contact info of the park/trail authorities?
Note when they should be contacted if you don’t get in touch. Most authorities give a 24-hour window after the expected check-in time to take action.
Trail Map:
What is your proposed route?
Be sure to highlight specifics, like campsites and emergency routes
Backpacking Boi Trip Itinerary Template:
I hope this template can serve you as well as it serves me! It is clean and is organized to prioritize the most useful information. You can find it here:
Download Trip Itinerary Template